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During the design of activities, that simpler steps should be chosen which will make outcomes/value. If some actions or functions will not lead to value and make the system over-complex, they should be eliminated.

Judging what to keep 

During taking the steps or selecting targets it should be considered if those targets or activities meet value creation conditions or not? But an activity or target could be considered as useless or valueless in a team’s view but actually it’s highly important in strategic view. Making team members think holistically could support to resolve this contradiction.

Conflicting objectives 

There should be a balance between the objectives and goals of different levels of the organization. The objectives should be optimized and balanced in order to result in simple, value-oriented solutions.

Applying the principle 

Successful applying this principle needs these specifications should be considered on actions and goals: time respecting, quick, simplicity, value-oriented, better quality, easily understandable.