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Governance is the system for directing and controlling an organization. 

Governing bodies & governance 

Governance bodies are persons who direct the organization. They govern the organization by using these tools and activities: 

  • Evaluate: Assessing the organization in contexts of its strategies, portfolios, and relations to other organizations based on the requirements of stakeholders. 
  • Direct: Assigning roles and responsibilities and implementing the strategies and policies of the organization. Strategies define the priorities of organizations’ activities, following funds, etc. Policies define how to act and react to different items across the organization or in its relationship to other organizations. 
  • Monitor: Controlling the movement of an organization across its activities and products and services to make sure it’s running based on directing policies and strategies.

Governance in the SVS 

SVS could be implemented for the whole organization or on the other hand for some parts of the organization. In SVS, guiding principles and continual improvement apply on other items, including governance. Accordingly, these items should be considered: 

  • SVS should be aligned with the direction of the governance body. 
  • Governance body -or someone who is assigned by it-, should control and monitor the SVS. 
  • SVS should always be improved to provide stakeholders’ requirements.