Service, Product and Service management

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What is Service management?

Service management is a set of specialized organizational capabilities for enabling value for customers in the form of services.

To develop service management capabilities, the organization should be aware of the answer of three questions:

1- What should we create?

2- For whom should we make it?

3- How and in which form we perform this?

The answers are above questions are listed below:

1- What should we create? value

2- For whom should we make it? stakeholders

3- How and in which form we perform this? services

Services and products

The main element in service management is definitely service.

Definition of service:

A means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the customer having to manage specific costs and risks.

In order that an organization could be able to serve some services, it needs some resources. Products are sets of configured resources created by the organization that support them to manage services and make value.

Definition of Product: 

A configuration of an organization’s resources (Human Recourse, Data, Technology, etc.)  designed to offer value to consumers.