Value streams and processes

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“The value streams and processes” dimension applies to Service Value System (SVS) and also on products and services. In this dimension, some activities, workflows, indicators, and procedures will be defined. It will support the following aspects:  

  • Ensures that products and services make value to stakeholders, efficiently and effectively. 
  • Ensures that simple parts of an organization collaborate together in a seamless way. 
  • Defines what the duties of an organization are and how these duties are fulfilled. 

Value Stream

Series of steps an organization undertakes to create and deliver products and services to consumers. It’s a combination of service value chain activities. In fact, value streams are decomposed elements of activities for each service and product. To achieve the best performance in service management, it is important continuously to improve them, and to improve them, they have to be properly analyzed and every single element of them be known. As the value streams are elements of service management of an organization, they should be clearly understood. 


A set of interrelated or interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs. A process takes one or more defined inputs and turns them into defined outputs. Processes define the sequence of actions and their dependencies. Processes include procedures and work instructions. Procedures indicate who in the process have some role(s), and work instructions are descriptions of how a process works.