What is Service value chain?

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The main system of ITIL4 for service management is SVS and the core of SVS is “service value chain”. Using this chain the activities needed to make value during service or product management are handled.

Service value chain contains 6 activities to realize making products and services and in the other hands making value. Those 6 activities are Plan, Improve, Engage, Design & Transition, Obtain/Build, Deliver & Support.  These activities work as a chain and they have inputs and also outputs. The output of one activity is the input of the other activity or the input could be a request from outside of the chain. To produce outputs from inputs the ITIL practices are used.

Before using service value chain, these rules should be considered: 

  1. All the activities communicating with the outside of the chain should be connected to the chain with Engage activity, regardless of the incoming or outgoing types of activities.
  2. All new resources are produced or procured by Obtain/Build activity. 
  3. All planning activities in miscellaneous levels are done by Plan activity. 
  4. All improvement actions in miscellaneous levels are done by Improve activity.